
Handtmann Inotec portioning and tying machines are unique. All types of product can be tied into all casing materials. Automated production process for quality products with homemade quality.

PTH portioning, tying and hanging line

Automatic portioning, tying and hanging of sausages in natural and collagen casing

Inotec iG2-iT

IGS2-iT tying machine

The tying machine for single tying of sausage-shaped products in natural and collagen casing.

Inotec IG5-iT tying machine

The tying machine for double tying of sausage-shaped products in natural, collagen and artificial casing.

How to contact us

Do you have any questions or need more information? We look forward to hearing from you.


Albert Handtmann Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG

Tel: +49 7351 45-0

Fax: +49 7351 45-1599

E-Mail: sales.machines[at]handtmann.de


Inotec GmbH

Dieselstraße 1

72770 Reutlingen

Tel.: +49 7121 585960

E-Mail: inotec[at]inotecgmbh.de